Wednesday, April 25, 2012


How in the world has it been 2 months already since Kole joined our family?!?!
Me - 2 months ago, just before going into triage
Well, since I started this blog after I had Kole, I thought I'd share his birth story on his two month birthday.  I'll keep it short and sweet.  Here it goes...

I was 3 days overdue.  I had never even made it to my due date before, so this was uncharted territory.  All the other 3 kids came 9 days early.  I expected the same with this one.  No such luck. I had spent the day feeling pretty good (well, "pretty good" is very relative since I felt absolutely horrible most days that last month).  I got lots of cleaning and laundry done and made a nice dinner for the family.  By the end of day, I was exhausted.  We went to bed around 11:15 pm and I actually fell asleep pretty quickly, which wasn't usually the case.   I awoke just 45 minutes later thinking I needed to go pee, but soon realized my water had broken and it was finally time to have a baby!!!  I woke Kevin up and he sat up and in a startled voice asked, "Can I take a shower?".  I let him know we had plenty of time, called my mom to let her know to start the 45 minute drive from her house to ours, and began getting ready.  I felt completely fine and was only have a few contractions an hour at this point.  By the time my mom arrived, it was about 1:30 and both Kevin and I were ready to go.  We arrived at the hospital around 2.  By now I was having contractions every 8-10 minutes that were getting stronger.  We were admitted and definitely freaked a few nurses out during our stay since I was going to attempt to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean).  That must be a 4-letter word to a labor and delivery nurse.  They all seemed quite nervous and we got some excellent care.  We also got the best room, right next to the nurses station because I was high-risk.  The biggest bummer of the whole delivery was that Dr. Morin (my Doctor for all 4 kids) wasn't on call that day.  It was a Friday and I was so hopeful when we arrived that he would be working since it looked like I would be having a baby during office hours on a weekday.  But he wasn't.  It was his Friday off.  We did get Dr. Boken, who had also delivered Kenna, and we loved her, but I wanted to experience having my doctor at a natural delivery.  He missed all 3 of mine, and only was present for Kaden's c-section.  Other than that, everything went amazingly well!  I did end up getting an epidural after dilating to a 5.  I was definitely very uncomfortable and oh, so tired after having only slept 45 minutes the night before.  After that, I was able to rest, but was too excited to ever fall asleep.  I continued dilating on my own (I've always had Pitocin before), and around 1:30 in the afternoon it was time to start pushing.  I pushed just a few times before they asked me to stop and wait for the doctor.
Me, giving a "thumb's up" while waiting for the Doctor! 

 Once she arrived, just 3 more pushes and Kole was born at 2:18 pm.  I remember when just his whole head was out and the doctor was untangling the cord around his neck, the nurse exclaimed, "That is a BOY face!!!".

 We hadn't found out what we were having, but I just knew it was a boy all along.  He had a very strong, masculine face, big hands, and broad shoulders.  They laid him on me and he just looked at me and hardly made a fuss.  The nurse was so wonderful and let him stay on me for about an hour before she ever took him to be weighed or anything.
One happy mommy!
(Please ignore the blood on the pillow and in my hair - this happened when Kevin cut the umbilical cord)

 We got to just stare at his precious face, kiss and love on him and enjoy the little miracle we had just experienced!  We were immediately smitten with this 4th child of ours and so thankful to God for entrusting him to us!!!

Happy 2 month birthday, sweet baby Kole!  (although most of the time we call him "Koley-Roley-Frijoley".....don't ask me why but it fits him)

Kole, wearing the sticker he got from MOPS to help document his first year.
On his 2 month birthday he weighs 12 lbs., 3 oz.

A Taste of Summer!

Daddy and Kenna (who is missing quite a few teeth these days :))

Kaden using a noodle to float.  At first he was sure that he had forgotten how to swim, but he hadn't.


Last weekend was unseasonably warm (93 degrees!) and so we spent both Saturday and Sunday afternoon in our pool.  With a solar pool heater we were able to get the pool water temperature up to 87 fabulous degrees!  Even Mommy got in and went swimming!!!  The kids had such a great time and are so excited for summer and lots and lots of swim days like this.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


What a beautiful time of year!  Just thought I'd share a picture of my favorite tree in our yard.  So glad our landscaper suggested putting in a Dogwood in the perfect spot in the front of our house.  It blooms just once a year, always around Easter.

Monday Afternoons

Every Monday after school Kenna has an hour-long gymnastics class at CCGI.  She loves it and has learned how to do a cartwheel, handstand, and has almost mastered the splits!  

These picture aren't very clear because we sit pretty far away in an upstairs area while she has class.

What do the rest of us do during Kenna's class?
Kole sleeps :)

Kayla does her homework :)

Kaden plays his DS :)

I enjoy being forced to sit for a whole hour :)  and usually catch up on emails and facebook on my iphone

Monday, April 9, 2012

Childlike Faith

So, the day before Easter I walked into the playroom to find this on the kid's chalkboard, written by Kenna.  (She didn't do the scribbles behind it.........that was courtesy of her little brother later when she wasn't around!!!)  In case you can't read the picture or figure out some of her spelling, I will translate :)

God is love and he is he. (I think that means he is a boy!)
He is the greatest King in the world and Easter is not about candy.
It is about what God did for us.
We will bow down and worship him now.
How Great and awesome is he.
He is our King...
He is our King....
He is our King...

I think that sums it up perfectly.  Love it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter 2012!

The 6 K's!!!!
The Lil' K's!!!
Well, this Easter ended up being a little different than most years. A bunch of family members ended up being sick, including Kevin's mom who usually hosts Easter at her house. So, at the last minute we ended up having Easter at our house and Kevin's sister, Kristi, and her husband and 3 kiddos came over, along with Kevin's dad for a little while. It was a BEAUTIFUL day - 81 degrees and so we decided to turn the pool heater on, and the kids went swimming!!! They had a BLAST! What a fun way to end the last day of Easter break. We ate yummy carne asada tacos, went on a walk around our neighborhood while the kids rode scooters and rollerbladed, had an Easter egg hunt, and then enjoyed some dessert.

Kaden - 5
Kole - 6 weeks
Kayla - 9 1/2
Kenna - 6 1/2

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Newborn Pictures

Kevin's Favorite!
My Favorite!

So, my mom and I had the bright idea to take our own "fabulous" and "amazing" newborn pictures of Kole. I would definitely not use either of those adjectives to describe the result. We gave it our best shot....we borrowed a space heater, ordered a cute knit hat off Etsy, scoured the web for lots of great newborn poses, found the perfect basket and blanket, and my mom even knit a baby hammock so we could get a picture of Kole hanging from a tree branch. But newborns are floppy and crabby and just want to eat and be left alone to sleep. By the end, we were exhausted and frankly, pretty crabby ourselves. So I made a quick call to a local photographer whose work I had seen and loved every time I went to my prenatal appointments, where her work is displayed. She had one opening that week and I took it! The appointment lasted almost 4 hours. I don't know how she was able to get such amazing pictures, especially after seeing how difficult a newborn is to photograph! So glad it all worked out and we have these lasting images of our sweet baby boy!

The 6th K......

It's been almost 6 weeks since the "6th K" arrived. Kole Benjamin Saltzman. Our biggest and baldest baby yet. 8 lb., 11 oz of pure sweetness. Everyone says he looks like an old man, which he does. He has the sweetest little cry which is nice because with 4 kids, sometimes he just has to cry for a little while until someone can get to him.

What a wonderful addition to our family he is!!! The kids love holding him, getting his "binkie" for him when he cries...but none of them are interested in changing any diapers!

A New Year's Resolution.....

Well, it is the beginning of April and I am just now fulfilling one of my New Year's Resolutions for start a blog. I have wanted to do this for some time now, but just kept putting it off. It seemed too overwhelming, too time-consuming, too technologically challenging. But I really would like to document more of the everyday life of "the 6 K's". I have been known to be horrible at remembering to take pictures, and my scrapbooks are YEARS behind, so this would provide a way of documenting the extraordinary and even ordinary happenings around here. So, here it goes......