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Me - 2 months ago, just before going into triage |
I was 3 days overdue. I had never even made it to my due date before, so this was uncharted territory. All the other 3 kids came 9 days early. I expected the same with this one. No such luck. I had spent the day feeling pretty good (well, "pretty good" is very relative since I felt absolutely horrible most days that last month). I got lots of cleaning and laundry done and made a nice dinner for the family. By the end of day, I was exhausted. We went to bed around 11:15 pm and I actually fell asleep pretty quickly, which wasn't usually the case. I awoke just 45 minutes later thinking I needed to go pee, but soon realized my water had broken and it was finally time to have a baby!!! I woke Kevin up and he sat up and in a startled voice asked, "Can I take a shower?". I let him know we had plenty of time, called my mom to let her know to start the 45 minute drive from her house to ours, and began getting ready. I felt completely fine and was only have a few contractions an hour at this point. By the time my mom arrived, it was about 1:30 and both Kevin and I were ready to go. We arrived at the hospital around 2. By now I was having contractions every 8-10 minutes that were getting stronger. We were admitted and definitely freaked a few nurses out during our stay since I was going to attempt to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean). That must be a 4-letter word to a labor and delivery nurse. They all seemed quite nervous and we got some excellent care. We also got the best room, right next to the nurses station because I was high-risk. The biggest bummer of the whole delivery was that Dr. Morin (my Doctor for all 4 kids) wasn't on call that day. It was a Friday and I was so hopeful when we arrived that he would be working since it looked like I would be having a baby during office hours on a weekday. But he wasn't. It was his Friday off. We did get Dr. Boken, who had also delivered Kenna, and we loved her, but I wanted to experience having my doctor at a natural delivery. He missed all 3 of mine, and only was present for Kaden's c-section. Other than that, everything went amazingly well! I did end up getting an epidural after dilating to a 5. I was definitely very uncomfortable and oh, so tired after having only slept 45 minutes the night before. After that, I was able to rest, but was too excited to ever fall asleep. I continued dilating on my own (I've always had Pitocin before), and around 1:30 in the afternoon it was time to start pushing. I pushed just a few times before they asked me to stop and wait for the doctor.
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Me, giving a "thumb's up" while waiting for the Doctor! |
Once she arrived, just 3 more pushes and Kole was born at 2:18 pm. I remember when just his whole head was out and the doctor was untangling the cord around his neck, the nurse exclaimed, "That is a BOY face!!!".
We hadn't found out what we were having, but I just knew it was a boy all along. He had a very strong, masculine face, big hands, and broad shoulders. They laid him on me and he just looked at me and hardly made a fuss. The nurse was so wonderful and let him stay on me for about an hour before she ever took him to be weighed or anything.
One happy mommy! (Please ignore the blood on the pillow and in my hair - this happened when Kevin cut the umbilical cord) |
We got to just stare at his precious face, kiss and love on him and enjoy the little miracle we had just experienced! We were immediately smitten with this 4th child of ours and so thankful to God for entrusting him to us!!!
Happy 2 month birthday, sweet baby Kole! (although most of the time we call him "Koley-Roley-Frijoley".....don't ask me why but it fits him)
Kole, wearing the sticker he got from MOPS to help document his first year. On his 2 month birthday he weighs 12 lbs., 3 oz. |
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